This ditty is in honour of a relatively new species in avian evolutionary ecology: the active online male birder (homo sapien aviano-insanus)
Nothing quite lifts a birder's online stature
Than his adding to ornitho nomenclature
He loves to take a species and make it two subs, a pair
Though you might think this was splitting a hair
He will post his image of light from the setting Sun
On the pupil of the eye of the Red Necked Falcon.
The unintended result of his chasing the avian gene
Is to make a wanna-birder (me!), a birding has-been.
For, I, an amateur birder, have as the tools of study
Salim Ali, some beer and a binocs (10x) as buddy
The expert online birder has his well-thumbed book -
And a unique field guide with a 'got-the-bugger' look.
His camera has the barrel of an AK-47
And his telescope could focus on the Trinity in Heaven.
His language is, well, unusual, and has me stymied
With words like cisticola, booted, harpy and pied.
I take solace then from a pointed little known fact
That men-birders aren't quite known for their tact
For they return from their sighting of the fishing eagle (less)
And quite miss out on their spouse's new dress.
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