Sunday, May 8, 2022

Henny Is A Chemical Reaction

Gosh, I nearly AGAIN missed the most important day of the year in my calendar: May 8th, which is the World Donkey Day.

Some years ago, I wrote this, a tribute to the finest mammal that has been domesticated (yet).  This year, I have added a para....
(You might wish to discard notions - most out-of-fashion - of having about the same number of syllables in each para (just get a bit cool, in other words....and read on))

Today, the 8th of shimmering May
Is, believe me, World Donkey Day.
Doesn't mean much, I'm sure you'll say
But that is because, well, - you don't bray!  

The donkey, if speak he could
Would say that he's been misunderstood
Mammalian marvel of muscle biology 
What confounds us is the etymology.

A male donkey’s a jack
A female is called jenny
If a stallion’s the dad, a jenny the mom?
The resultant chemistry is henny.

Jack donkeys (that’s redundancy, Jack!)
When not finding love in their pack
Romance female horses (against the rule)
And the World receives a baby mule.

ps: donkeys love my humour as you can see.  Does this mean anything, you think?

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